Hello world!
Welcome to the September release of our Equalities Monthly newsletter. As usual we have the latest equalities news from across Fife and beyond, as well as our own project updates, upcoming events, volunteering opportunities and more.
Keep reading to find out more about what we've been up to and what you can get involved with.
We are always on the lookout for new activities and updates to add to our monthly, if you or your organisation has something coming up that you would like us to share, contact us and let us know.
You can also submit events to our new look Equality Calendar!
What have we been up to at FCE?
On Tue 06 Aug 2024, we were at the Cosmos Centre in St. Andrews celebrating South Asian Heritage Month! It was an afternoon of good food, discussions and learning.
We caught up with the facilitators from our Fife Health and Social Care Partnership Equality, Diversity and Inclusion workshops to look at next steps and award them with their Bronze Equality Pathfinders award.
We had a busy Fife Equalities Forum on Wed 14 Aug 2024 with presentations from Hanna Dushkova from Ukrainians Together as well as Sharon Breeze from the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership.
As always, we have published a range of exciting new events and consultations on our Equality Calendar! Keep posted for more.
Equality Calendar Dates to look out for:
Our Equality Calendar showcases all of the upcoming equalities awareness days, partners events and local consultations! Check out some of the upcoming international days below:
International Day of Democracy - 15 Sep 2024: The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world. Last year's theme was "Empowering the Next Generation".
International Equal Pay Day - 18 Sep 2024: International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on 18 September, represents the longstanding efforts towards the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. It further builds on the United Nations' commitment to human rights and against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination against women and girls.
International Day of Peace - 21 Sep 2024: A day dedicated to non-violent resolutions and global cease fires. The theme for 2024 is "Cultivating a Culture of Peace".
National Inclusion Week - 23 to 29 Sep 2024: Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. This year's theme is "Impact Matters".
Click here to visit our Equality Calendar, share your events and see what's on!
What's happening at FCE?
Fife Interfaith and Belief Network

The Fife Interfaith and Belief Network will be coming together on Wednesday 11 Sep 2024, from 12:30 to 14:00 at St. Bryce Kirk, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1ET.
We are going to be hosting a network meeting to discuss future activities and upcoming event ideas, as well as the direction of the group and any potential members who would like to take part in a steering group for the network.
If you would like to share your views on how the group should take shape, please click here.
To confirm your attendance, get in touch with us at info@centreforequalities.org.uk, calling 01592 645310, text on 07800 005834.
Let's Chat Equality - Fife
Fife Equalities Forum
Equality Calendar
FCE Companion Support

Our Companion Support volunteers are crucial in supporting our Get-Togethers and maintaining our relationships with our clients.
If you have an interest in bringing people together, making new connections and reducing social isolation, this may be the opportunity for you!
If you'd be interested in volunteering with us, please contact maria@centreforequalities.org.uk, call us on 01592 645310 or text 07800 005834.
Our Partners' News and Events
Fife Suicide Prevention Network: September Newsletter

The Fife Suicide Prevention Network have released the latest iteration of their newsletter, to coincide with World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 Sep 2024.
This newsletter contains lots of information on activities and events that are taking place across Fife and beyond, as well as resources and support for those that need it.
Soroptimist Dunfermline - Dress for Success
Fife Climate Festival 2024
Walk and Talk Community Walking Group: Inverkeithing
Fife Climate Hub - Vacancies
Hybrid Working and Reasonable Adjustments Guidance - Equality and Human Rights Commission
Consultations to look out for
Quarry Park, Leslie - Play Park:
From Fife Council:
To gather the views and opinions of the local community on the concept design and the choices available for the play park replacement.
We're looking for the views of everyone who uses the park including children and young people.
Paton Street Greenspace Consultation:
Adults with Incapacity amendment Act - Consultation:
Post-School Education and Skills Reform - Consultation on Legislation:
Staying Safe and Keeping Connected
The winter season can be especially tough for some. Fife Adult Support and Protection have released their Staying Safe and Keeping Well booklet, which has a wide range of different support available for anyone looking for a little helping hand.
Are you concerned about someone who may be at risk of harm or neglect?
Call the Fife Adult Protection Phone Line on 01383 602200 or in an emergency call 999.
If you have concerns about a child, call Social Work on 03451 55 15 03 or Police 101.
Corra Foundation - Local Support Fund Micro Grants: Closes 02 Oct 2024
Scottish Community Pubs Small Grant Fund: Closes 31 Mar 2025
Bank of Scotland Foundation - Enable: Closes 11 Sep 2024
Get in touch
Do you have any concerns that you would like to share? Or just looking for a chat? Get in touch!
Email us at: info@centreforequalities.org.uk
Call us on: 01592 645310
Text us using: 07800 005834
Or even write to us: New Volunteer House, 16 East Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy KY1 1XT